Growth of the forex market in recent times

Hi all,
Is it just me or after equities went to ****, more and more people have been turning to forex to feed their risk addictions?

Might just be an obvious reactive shift amongst the investing populous but every day i’m seeing increasing numbers of brokers advertising on local news websites and CNBC. Anyone seeing this can quote some stats?


I guess the market is booming, yes; forex used to known globally for its liquidity, now it is becoming recognized likewise for its volume; traders are regularly trooping into the market. These is due to the flexibility of the market. You can trade news or regular hours; you can hedge, scalp name it. Yet we the inside traders must admit that the market is beginning to lose its fun and flexibility due to the rigidity sanctions and rules from regulators. The FIFO is an example, now leverages are being hunted down, and traders don’t have as many options they had enjoyed in the past. Now minimum capital for brokerages is on the increase; tell me why regulated brokers are not going to widen their spreads or manipulate trades one way or the other to meet up to new regulations. This comparatively makes some offshore brokers more promising and even transparent.