Thats right the last 20 years of my life i have been chasing a dream, but why did it all go wrong.
Well not so wrong the last couple of years !, but that is for another post.
[B]What is it about greed that makes people do irrational things[/B], i know i did. This is the part that hurts and i have to live with it everyday.
Some 18 years ago i met the girl of my dreams at a bbq, i only went along to light the bbq, funny how things happen. She knew i worked lots of hours and after that day our love blossomed, quite quickly actually
She knew i worked lots of hours and accepted that, it gave us money to do things we both thought. The problem is you get use to the extra money and never seem to do anything useful with it. Well im sure we both thought it was useful at the time, we were young.
What does matter when your young ? having a good time if i remember right.
We got engaged after 6 months, the start of our life together.
It wasnt long before i moved in with her and her mum…also the 2 brothers. They soon saw that i always had a pocket full of cash, i remember her youngest brother saying to me " your going to make my sister rich"
Back then i felt kind of smug about it. Now i just feel sick about it.
She got a job in a bank, at our local town. Life jogged along for a while, then we decided to buy a house together, low APR% because she worked at the bank, SWEETTTTT.
We found somewhere, first house we looked at actually. She loved that house, really loved it.
Now going from renting a room to owning your own house has a change on the old budget. Well i really never use to budget.
We thought we would look for some other ways to earn a little extra, we tried a few things…chain letters…lol. I hooked up with a guy who was heavily into mlm (raised its head again), we spent alot of time together, jumping on each new idea. You know the next big thing.
I spent many nights cold calling on the phone new prospects, the first few calls worried me big style, talk about nervous. LOL, brings back some memories. I tried with all my energy to make it work, spent time going to seminars, RAR RAR RAR.
Marriage, then our first child, you blink and time just flies by. On my 5 mlm project, why dont these new ground floor companies ever last! let alone get the product they need off the ground.
Well, i had struck some success and was getting a small monthly cheque for my efforts. I was so sure that this one would work. I didnt even discuss my thoughts with my partner about leaving my job.
When i gave my notice at work, i didnt tell them what i was going to do.
It wasnt long before the bills were mounting up and i would hide them , yes hide them. bloody crazy i know, i had this image to uphold.
City slicker, with a couple of hundred pound cheque once a month, if i was lucky. Was i really on this planet!
Hundred pound cheque
And i had given up my job…
Thats enough typing for tonight, i will post the rest of this section soon