Not cool. Ring customers, change your passwords to something unique.
What is RIng, actually?
Very common here in UK - video doorbells etc.
Edit: not to be confused with Ring car bulbs - different company - now owned by Osram.
Same in the US. Home surveillance is the go-to home improvement upgrade of the last couple years. The irony is Amazon is selling you equipment to keep tabs on their delivery agents coming to your door. Ha!
Ring has its own social network if you will, where owners get to discuss neighborhood issues and the recent vandalism/break-in/random stranger coming into the camera view. Privacy minded individuals may have issues with Ring partnering with local policy departments to give access to requesting your video footage. You can opt out, of course, but I think initially this was not a known “service”.
Oh, I see. That is so creepy then, that these people’s information was released.
Looks like Ring is getting sued for not implementing proper security protocols, and that’s what led to leaked account credentials. Hmmmm, looks like somebody is lying.
This is the world we live in now. More and more hacks!
After the Equifax hulabaloo is there anything more that can surprise us? I also just read that in the US there are no rules for facial recognition. Literally all these companies using this technology now can do whatever they want.
Do you all use Ring?