Happy hunter price action - Help

Can someone please explain me this system , I read it and read it again and I dont understand it!!! :frowning:

what did you read?

This is what I read

lmao no wonder you don’t understand the system. Look at how it’s written. It’s a terrible way to explain a system. You’re better off learning about price action on Youtube tbh.


It’ll be useful to break it down in parts. Is it the entry rules that you don’t understand?

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If you a new or fairly new trader, any strategy that you can’t learn and understand in 1 day is too complicated to run at this stage. Whichever strategy you use, run it in a demo account until you have proved you can make consistent profits before putting real money in: if this takes longer than 1 month, start again with a simpler strategy.

I am a new trader, but I have been trading for a year.

The concepts are not new to me, but you have to accept that the explanation is very confusing, if you know the strategy, please explain it to me .



You are correct :slight_smile: The Entry rules are the ones I do not understand.


If its very confusing, that means it is hard to assess how effective it is going to be and very hard to use in practice. Why would you want something like this?

Because it is the best performing system in babypips, based on the weekly analysis made by ForexNinja.

A1 entry seems straightforward but I quickly realise it’s not my cup of tea. :sweat_smile:

You might want to convert those if else statements into a flow chart or checklist. Or get help putting them into EA.


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