So there it is. Ive been studying about forex for around 6 months now and putting the hard work to become a successful trader. It’s a new world to me but such interesting. I am currently working in the automotive business and yesterday i’ve been offered used car lot that has been alive for 30 years. A very nice opportunity but It’s a very big investment and of course i can’t put my efforts in both forex and the business since running a car lot is easily 80 hours and more. So there is the decision. I love the business i am in today but forex is just so interesting and thinking that i can manage my own time and can do it from anywhere around the globe is just very appealing.
What do you guys think ?
The car lot has a huge potenciel selling 250-400 cars a year at the moment with no employees. Around all major dealerships. I’ve been in the business for 12 years.
Sounds like a no-brainer to me. Stable income, and 250-400 cars worth of income brings a nice, stable salary and stable life. Do it for a while, build up capital, reinvest in a good media program, coat of paint on the building, etc. Keep it up. Then, hire someone to run it part time for you and use the capital gains to trade for 20 hours a week (because by that time you may be working only 40 ).
The forex market will be here. That chance on the lot, won’t.
You should decide what is important for you - a stable recurring income, but not an interesting job, or an interesting job, but the income may be different and not always good.
I would chose the car business and trader as a side job, the opportunity is not come twice, besides you can be trader anytime. But if being trader andhas it’s advantages too, you can work everywhere as long as you hav einternet connection.
As long as you have commitment, discipline and perseverance then go for it. However, success will not come overnight so patience is also important. Good luck
I know someone who is really good with computers. In her last full time job, she was up for promotion, but she has 4 kids, so she did not want the pressure of being a supervisor. It came to a point that she had to resign because she wanted to be in graduations, piano recitals, soccer meets, ballet performances and from time to time drive the car pool, so she decided to go part time and work from home. She still works part time, but she is so good that she has regular clients for development and design. I can’t remember the exact name of the company, but I know it is something like this. The point is, if you have the passion and the expertise, you can do whatever you want and even take your pick of what you want to do and what not. Just devote yourself to your passion and make sure you are the best in your field (unlike me, I’m a jack of all trades and a master at none). I hope this is motivating or inspiring enough
After a couple months of thinking, i have decided to leave the car lot idea and concentrate on trading. My goal in the next year is to spend all my free time studying and building a solid trading plan. Next year i would like to move in Romania and would like forex to be my primary income. I will have around $40,000 CAD capital and will need roughly 600 euros per month to live comfortably. I think it is something realistic. What i did not like about the dealer is having to hold hundreds of thousands in inventory in the market that we are. Plus my current city is going down at the moment as shops and people are moving out. Just didn’t feel it. So all that being said i want forex to be my new business. Making an income of 40-50k a year would make me very comfertable and happy to start with.