So one thing that makes me curious about forex is the broad choices of platforms. Client side platforms, web based clients, ipad/iphone apps etc.
What do YOU use?
As a newbie I’m curious to see how other people tackle day trading from home. (or not from home?) Seeing how other people approach it is interesting. I have two trader friends locally who both approach trading very differently:
One has a battlestation of an office with 5 20" monitors and a TV while the other trades full time from his couch on an ipad. :33:
I would imagine a desktop with a reliable internet connection is best to start with. Once you get good and know what you’re doing. You can check on your trades with a mobile app. I doubt you can use most software effectively on an iPad. (tradestation or ninjatrader for example)
iPad for trading? I have an iPad for looking quickly at the charts but as a sole platform for trading, it’s not really enough- and I don’t have any indicators on my charts…
I can only trade at home on my pc. Ive tried trading on my gf’s laptop but it feels really sketchy. I use my phone to monitor trades if i have to go to work. Thats fine for a quick look or to move a SL to BE but give me my pc anyday
I just use a laptop (its a pretty good one) and an extra monitor. Nothing really fancy i trade naked anyway. Iphone to check on things as the day wears on but if i made a good trade. i shouldnt have to baby sit it.
I was being funny, but seriously… a wore out HP laptop with a 15inch screen and a second 20 inch screen so I don’t have to squint. There is a thread here on BP somewhere we were showing pictures of our trading setup but I’m too lazy to go look for it.
oh here’s my pic, I found it. I won’t get a new desk because I’ve had that one since I was about 6 years old. there’s the iphone with an Oanda app, and the Montblank pen because sometimes you just have to splurge on a luxury.
Somewhere back there is a terabyte disk drive for backups.