Has anyone attended the Forex School more than Pipsology before making the profit?

Hi, I’m quite new to the Forex field and I have been practicing in demo tradings here and there after I finished 1/3 of Pipsology lesson. My demo is going quite good as the prediction taught from Pipsology and some others work fine for making profits and sometimes encounter the devastating SLs.

Today, I found an ad on the side of Pipsology lesson and it was about Nial Fuller’s Forex Trading School saying that Mr. Fuller taught over 17,000 traders already since 2008. My question is that is how many traders on this website went to this Nial Fuller school. 17,000 students sounds enough to check if paying 299$ after 40% off offer till July 31st sounds worth or not. I just found 299$ (it was 499$ before 40% off) is just like winning over 20% on 1000$ trading which I did yesterday on USDGBP. Can anyone tell me how the paid trading school worth for the real payment before having more loss on my bank account after failing on the trading???

Haven’t seen that course, so can’t say if it’s worth the money, but in general, I think you would be better off spending half of that sum to few books that suite your trading style and rest to open an micro account.

I have heard that some people “ehem…” have pirated some of these courses and been glad that they hadn’t payed from them, as they usually don’t offer anything that you couldn’t find for free or in much cheaper form, as books.

But as said, haven’t seen this particular course.

Sorry, I had not seen the course Nial Fuller’s Forex Trading School. So I don’t want comment about their lesson. But as Timppa said this is a very good idea to take some knowledge from books. You don’t have to pay much for that. Also you can Google for versatile views and reviews. I also started my trading journeys with this sort of searching. And now I am doing very well. Demo trading practice is also very good for trading.

Timppa99, Jonathan_Markins,
Thanks for the reply. I’m thinking to participate in Nial Fuller’s school as it’s 200$off to be only 299$ and it comes with the lifetime membership. 500$ as a capital and losing 300$ could happen without proper market reading. Pipsology course here has enough information to be ready to read the lines and how to use the charts. I am just half on the way to finish whole lessons now. Hopefully, I would finish Pipolosogy Graduate before the end of July and I might join Nial Fuller’s course for an extra learning.
But do you think spending money on books are better choice than the online trading school? Can I ask why?

But I just wait to see if anyone knows the experience at Nial Fuller’s school here. It would be easy to guess from the school graduate if it worth joining after Pipsology or not. Or I whould be the first reporting it here later , hehe.

You naturally do as you see best. Personally I think that everything you really need is all ready on the babypips course. Sure, you can find usefull stuff, but there really isn’t any big secrets to be found, its all about how good you are at implementing what you have learned. I did bit of the same thing when I started, I read a lot and was convinced that trading needed to be complicated and hard… But more I do this, the more I’m simplifying my approach. Don’t get me wrong, its still hard, but in a different way. Think it more like for example some sports. In boxing there aren’t that many techniques to learn, but still the diffrence between an amateur and pro is huge. The latter one has mastered those few techniques and is using them to the fullest. I see trading bit like that too. It’s not how many “techniques” you know, but how good you are at using those you know.

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Think it more like for example some sports. In boxing there aren’t that many techniques to learn, but still the diffrence between an amateur and pro is huge. The latter one has mastered those few techniques and is using them to the fullest. I see trading bit like that too. It’s not how many “techniques” you know, but how good you are at using those you know.

Thanks for the kind advice from the expat like you. I just finished all Pipsology lessons till 311 except the missing quizzes at the last section. In my demo, I increased 100$ to 185$ after a week without loss. Also, I did enough profit making from USD/CAD sudden rise few days ago. So, I’ve got more successful focus on the entry and exit in my recent experiences. No losses around gave me some nervous feeling as I felt I would be just lucky to be with some glass support on the graph or just got enough learning from the Pipsology lessons. See? I would love to learn more to get to feel better with the trading plan making than just my expectation from my common sense of which area the candle sticks would go - the prediction from the pivot line, etc.
Niel Fuller’s class was mentioned by someone before in few years back on this forum. I checked the topic from google search. Only 2 days left for the course discount to be gone. So, I might sign up after reading the free materials on his website. I would say Pipsology was just enough for me to make my all the messy demo transaction into some kind of swing trader’s ideal look - clean profit transactions without SL slippings. I just don’t know how much I know to be an amateur or just to be skilled enough to do better with popular people’s knowledges. I think schooling and reading books for education goes with the forex psychology somehow.

I think the most of the people, are just self learned the trading! So it would be great to attend to an school for beghining!

I signed up and learning from Niel Fuller’s site. It got basic Forex trading information plus the trading plan creating section at the end. This is something missing from Pipsology class here. So, I found it quite unique and slightly new materials I paid for. I think other courses like on Investopedia and Forex Bootcamp should have something useful for the beginners. I finished Pipsology and still I had some SL issues especially on Oil but now I learned some common sense to be a risk reduced trader. Same materials still gave me some reminders of what is good or bad to do in trading.