Has anyone ever used Zecco.com for Forex trading?

I opened a Zecco Trading account some time ago when I thought I might try my hand at stock trading. Then I got into forex with great interest and found Zecco offered a forex option.

They use the same software Forex.com use, the ForexTrader program, which I have to say I like more than MetaTrader 4 (I know everyone likes it, but it just has such a clunky interface, in my opinion).

The spreads look normal for the majors, but I don’t know anything else about their services. Has anyone actually used Zecco for forex trading?

I would like to know the same too.

I’ve been using zecco as my stock broker for a long time now and they are great, great service and easy to use.

I don’t know about them with Forex though, they are new to the game (I believe they started this year) so I would demo them and see how you like it.