Have anybody experience with Swipestox social app?

Looks similar to FXStat or eToro but more state-of-the-art stuff, richer in features. Want to start providing signals and getting paid for that but not sure about the subscription rates.

Let me know if you have experience with them especially with successful payouts.

I used eToro and using SwipeStox now, I tried both of their Web and Android version. I found SwipeStox more polished and functional.
I wouldn’t even look at them but they offer free 100$ to start so why not try?

Can you tell me more about $100? Is it no deposit bonus or what? I haven’t visited their site so I have no idea about it. I will definitely check it, but I want to know if you have tried it and if there are any conditions or requirement for this? I usually don’t try such schemes because they rarely work and that’s why it means very little to try them out. I only get frustrated at the end of the day due, but let’s hope this is different.

Anyone can provide more details about Swipestox? Sounds news app, I think MQL5 is enough for those want to sell signals.

Well according to my experience , they give you 100$ as soon as you open live account and you need to trade 20 lots to withdraw it. Taking account low CySEC leverage (1:100) you will have quite safe but long way before you can make your first withdrawal.

Becuase it makes very good sense to have [I][U]nothing[/U][/I] to do with “brokers” who offer no-deposit bonuses, for all the reasons explained here (and more!).

Can you explain what is the catch in no-deposit bonuses if my mind is gamble free and I have spare time to take the opportunity?
Any other reasons?

The T&C’s, which no one reads, are usually so onerous that most traders would blow their account before getting into a position where they are able to withdraw any winnings

How many reputable brokers do you see giving away free money to recruit new customers?

Did you click the link Lexys offered before you replied to her post?

Some of the reasons are explained in the link above, which evidently you haven’t clicked on.

For you, I don’t think it’s very relevant either way, but for [I][U]aspiring traders[/U][/I] it is, because using brokerages that offer no-deposit bonuses is a way of stacking the deck firmly against themselves, because of who those brokers are, why they’re offering promotions like that, and what it signifies about their own business model.

Sorry but…
It is the same type of marketing as we can see in stores where new food brand can offer us to taste their product, you are not losing anything there while discovering new opportunity. In terms of broker some traders manage to “unlock” bonuses for withdrawals, they don’t tout that on forums just making money slowly and quietly. It doesn’t mean that bonuses are absolutely safe for newbie traders, but taking for example Hanseatic broker mentioned above, its 20 lots to trade with bonus to be allowed to withdraw all you’ve earned. It is possible but agree extremely difficult maybe 1 from 1000 registered will be able to complete that.
I reiterate what you are losing here if you are not gambler?

When you taste test in the supermarket do they insist that you have to buy a years supply? No, of course they don’t, because they aren’t trying to scam you.
You really should read some of your own posts, profitbaby, you spout a hell of a lot of garbage and give terrible advice

You’re [B]totally[/B] missing the point.

It’s because (as we’ve seen in scores of other threads in which you’ve been trying to promote brokerages here) you either don’t understand or just don’t acknowledge the two very different business models of (a) [I]genuine[/I] brokerages (who don’t present these “offers”) and (b) counterparty market-makers whose own business model depends for its survival on cleaning out its clients’ accounts (who do present them, because they’ve correctly identified that they’re a method of attracting gullible aspiring traders whose money they’ll gradually take).

As so many people have been trying to explain, so repeatedly, for so long, it’s not the bonuses themselves that are unsafe: [U][I]it’s the brokerages that choose to offer them[/I][/U]. There’s a very direct, [B]causal[/B] correlation between the two things.

Are we talking about brokers that require you to make deposit before granting bonus to you? No. Seems you are not getting the point.

To lexys: you can change broker anytime if you feel it treats you unfairly. You are not bound to trade there forever as a condition to receive the bonus nor have a single responsibility before the broker. I still don’t understand the cons of using those bonuses.

So you say.

I suspect that you understand them perfectly well and are wilfully ignoring them, just like you ignored the perils of the brokers you were spamming here previously.

I’m perfectly happy to welcome you back from your ban, and to see you posting again, but if you continue to post nonsense about brokers, you [I][U]are[/U][/I] going to get called out on it - increasingly, and by more members than before, because there are [B]many[/B] of us who dislike and resent it. Just so you know. :wink:

I never seen a broker who literary offer bonus so that you can make profit and withdraw. They always give some harder T&C so only few of the trader get it.
I don’t see anything wrong with that idea. Nobody give you free money. I would rather say it is to have some bonus so that newbie can check the live trade environment.
Regarding my progress with them, 10 trades made 0.03-0.05 lot each with their bonus, balance is 215$ now. Though I don’t trade via their mobile app but using MT4 instead. Tight stop losses and letting profits run - my main trading philosophy which helps me to stay afloat

Sorry to appear argumentative :8: but that’s because you haven’t yet acquired enough experience to appreciate the difference between genuine brokers and counterparty market-makers: the reality is that it makes very good sense to have [I][U]nothing[/U][/I] to do with “brokers” who offer no-deposit bonuses, for all the reasons explained here (and more!).

I have been trading FX since 2008. Online FX brokers was very limited by that time. I don’t agree with your concept of your Genuine brokers and counterparty MM Broker.

FCA won’t cover the risk of an Indian trader or a trader from Vietnam and It is also impossible to deposit more than $500 via bank transfer from such emerging markets due to hard money laundering law! Yes, you can open account to some Swiss bank and trade under their own broker like ‘Saxo’. But do you know the meaning of having a Swiss bank in such country? You become enemy of the state, you will be watched by countless secret services!

Every retails broker knows that and that is why they have different offshore licenses, among them CySEC is most trusted, doesn’t matter if you accept it or not. Every deposit by virtual money like Paypal, Skrill, Neteller and so on is put on MM server as 90% of the traders are losers. Broker will put them in STP server If the trader makes money continuously. There is no other way for these traders. Look at FXCM and what do you see? Retails traders outside from UK, EU, US go with reputed MM brokers by knowing the consequences. I suggest any newbie to check the reputation of the broker and split the fund to different broker if it is larger than 5K (by virtual money).

I welcome any little bonuses for the same reason to check the performance of spread, slippage from live platform, I am testing German based Hanseatic Broker for my cFD trading.

It’s not a “concept”: it’s an inescapable, objective, factual [I]reality[/I].

There’s no answer to that.