Have I proved wrong the Rule of 90/90/90 or not? 🙂

Now I’m not a religious person, but I am spiritual. You can’t tell people that having faith won’t help in trading. If you don’t have faith in yourself then the person trying to learn how to trade will eventually give up altogether or will get placed in the 90% that fail. Like what Clint said earlier, you must have faith in yourself always. It’s about staying motivated to learn what you’re supposed to learn until you get it, consistency

:laughing: … don’t take it so serious man. I was just kidding :wink:

It looks to me that you didn’t check / view My Profile. Otherwise, you would have known that I am not a newbie and I do have experience of trading on Live account as well.

@Clint didn’t give any advice either wrong or right to me neither he used any word of sugar coating.

90/90/90 pure BS, live and/or demo

almost 6 months of demo trading, is it time to go live yet? :thinking:

God will actually help you become a better trader…how do you think I got where I am? :wink:

Where did I say that I am thinking to go live after my almost 6 months demo trading? Rather I responded this:

And this

It is our habit that we all remain in hurry and don’t bother to read / listen the whole conversation. And it looks that you also did so.

I am trading since seven and half months time after joining BP. But I had also traded on Live account in Stock Market from 2005 to 2010. I have also used various Demo accounts for forex trading in the past.

Although your said sentence is depicting a taunting tone, yet I would thank you for this. I don’t know why few people irritates with the word “God” with regard to trading. I don’t want to indulge myself in a religious matter because this is not the right place, otherwise there are so much to say on it.

How may I get it when I know nothing about yourself. But You are welcome here to share your trading journey. Perhaps, it would be helpful to the novice traders and it would inspire them to follow on your path to become a successful trader.

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Thanks everyone for your comments and liking my posts - specially @anon46773462, @Penelopip and @Jess.

I thought the Title of my Topic / Post really irritated the BP members that’s why some of the comments were so harsh and aggressive. But it is a prescribed technique known as “Strong subject line or Punch Line” which I used with a “?” and ":slight_smile: ".

I have also clarified in the beginning that

But it has been totally ignored.

However, I mentioned here few quotes which are self explanatory and not need any further clarification

Yeap … You are right. And thanks to participating in my thread though little late.

I found egotic and superiority complex here in my post from few of the fellow members.

How are you?

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Just at the moment, I’m marginally inebriate in a mellow sort of way - thanks :wink:

I would have joined earlier, but I can’t answer your question because I don’t know the size of your wagers and how many you have made .

You appear to have lost 3% of your account in the allotted timespan, but I don’t know how much of the account you have been trading. - the 90/90/90 rule is based on complete numpties who bet too big and revenge trade (I assume) - which clearly you don’t :sunglasses:

Maybe the figures would reduce with education other than the “Hype” they get fed.

So athough in overall terms I believe it is probably a reasonable reflection, each participant is different :sunglasses:

How are you ? :slight_smile:

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i am not a great trader either but looks to me like you are on the right path.good luck my friend.


Guys maybe we’re interpreting the word faith differently. To me it has a religious connotation and he himself referred to religion. He made a connection with religion and going into a live account- im saying it has no connection. You need to be independent of thoughts. You need to trust in yourself and trust in your system. Theres nothing wrong with religion, faith, spirituality but in trading it doesn’t matter, it is not going to help with trading- it can help your emotions but not in trading positions. I can’t believe you guys think it will and you’re not newbies. A position will not turn because you have faith in a higher power. He will not go to a live account because of religion it will be because he stuck to his rules and system and trusted in himself. I don’t think warren Buffett became successful because he had faith or was religious - hard work and a system.

Anyway, as i have already thoroughly answered his original thread question there’s nothing more to say here.

If I have offended anyone I do profusely apologise as this is not my intent. Thank you

I know I’m late, but I’d like to give you my two cents. I have faith in myself and in God and I don’t give up easily, but when it came to trading, I lost a lot of money as a newbie and only when I devised, tested and practiced a plan and traded that plan, did I succeed. I know it’s sounds sacrilegious to a religious person to hear someone say something like this, but how do you expect God to help you if you don’t know what you’re doing? And how can you have faith in something you cannot define? You should at least be able to say ema X over sma Y works and I am confident that it will give me a win ratio of 70% because I’ve tested and tried it.

You didn’t offend anyone so you need no apology.

I am really pleased to hear that you do have faith in yourself as well as in God. We all should do it in our life.

No it didn’t sound sacrilegious to me. Is being a religious person wrong in your opinion?

Allah (God) creates us, so he loves us and cares us more than 70 Mothers. We all call him repeatedly, pray with him for helping us whenever we are facing any trouble in our life. Sometimes, he listen to us sometimes not. He has unlimited power and authority and no one can insist Allah (God) for what he / she wants or to their wishes.

But, when we pray with him by heart along with tears, he repents us and removes the problem from us, what we were facing. So, my friend when we all depend upon him, we do have faith in God (Allah) in every part of our life; then why not in trading.

Allah (God) is omnipotent and can do whatever he wants and doesn’t need our approval to do so. Just faith in him and always remember him in all occassions and don’t call / pray with him on the trouble times.

I have already mentioned in my previous post that it is not the right place to talk about such sensitive matter. So, it is my last post on this issue and I won’t respond to any such post in future. If you like to make argument or want to further discussion on the said issue, you may open a new Thread on BP and continue with it.

Allah (God) bless you.

UPDATE of August, 2018

Hi Again … here is the updates of my two Demo accounts for the month of August, 2018

1- XMGlobal Demo Account

I started the month with the balance of US$ 97,400 approximately by using the Leverage of 1:1.

I tried to use 0.1 Lot size for every trade made during the month.

Here is short summary of my account for the entire month of August, 2018

2- Dukascopy Demo Account

Since this Demo account is used for Dukascopy Trading Contest, so there are certain rules to be followed. Every participant is allowed US$ 100,000/= being initial balance with the leverage of 100:1.

Here is the Account summary of August, 2018.

Here, Most of the time, I used Five Standard Lots against each of my trade for the following currency pairs:

And here is the screenshot of my last standing position (Unofficial) in the Trading Contest of August, 2018

Update of September, 2018 (1st to 14th)

Since I was busy in my business activities during the last two weeks, so I couldn’t spare more time for trading. However, I have managed to do 8 trades.

Here is the Summary of my account statement for the said period. The overall performance or result is not satisfactory :angry:

EDIT: The Dukascopy Trading Contest has been discontinued from September, 2018 on Demo Accounts. So, here is no update relating to my Demo Account with them. However, they are planning to continue it for Live Accounts only.

Have you managed to analyse the results? For example, were the losses due to wrong direction, mispositioning of stops, wrong timing, etc? Were they all according to your trading rules?

Same with your gains, were they according to your entry rules, were the exits optimal, premature or late?

What can make the gains greater and the losses lesser!!



No. As I said earlier that I was so busy that’s why I couldn’t analyze the trades properly (before opening the London Session on my Laptop), rather I placed most of my orders via MT4 App on my Cell phone as and when I could get free time for it.

Here are the screenshots of my eight trades:

1- EURCAD (Buy at 1.52126 and SL at 1.53000 (trailed manually)

On the Daily TF, the price was trading below the Cloud which means Bearish Trend, but I took a trade in a Counter trend. I took Long position when the price has broken the Ichimoku Cloud and Daily Trendline on 1H Chart. My stop loss was hit within the Cloud area on 1H TF.

You may observe that there was a Kumo Twist and the Future Cloud (Kumo) on 1H TF was showing bearish momentum.

The SL was hit after the announcement of BOC representative (Wilkins).

2- USDCHF (Buy at 0.97500 and SL was 0.96800

I entered in this trade very very late that’s why I closed it after half an hour time.

3- GBPUSD (But at 1.28000 = SL was 1.28800 and TP was 1.2700

The pair of GBPUSD was trading below the Ichimoku Kumo (Cloud) as well as below the trendlines of Daily TF. So I took a Short Position.

The SL was hit after the news released on Bloomberg with regard to UK and Germany agreement, which was not correct one.

4 & 5- CADCHF (First Sell and then Buyl)

I entered the Short trade late after breaking of the Support area (yellow lines) on Daily chart. But after hitting the SL, I reentered for a Long trade in the same pair but booked profit much earlier on the same day. MISTAKE

6- EURCHF (Same Mistake - Early Exit)


The Price was trading above the Daily, 4H and 1H Ichimoku Cloud and it had also broken the previous swing high on 1H TF. Since the prices was moved much farther, that’s why, I placed a Long trade with a tight SL just below the support line (yellow color) with the 1 ATR buffer of 1H TF.


Here was a Kumo (Cloud) Breakout at Daily chart but I entered Long late, unless the price has moved above the Trendline as well.

Since it was the last day of the week (Friday), therefore,I was gradually trailing my stop loss manually at the last swing low either of 15M or 1H TF with an 1 ATR buffer, so it was hit at the price of 130.600.

In my opinion, the EURCAD and EURJPY trades was better than others.

From the account statement, I have observed a very important point which I didn’t realize and totally ignored it at the time of placing the orders. And that is the Swap fee (Carryover/Overnight trade charges) which I paid for four trades totalling of US$.15.21 against total Closed P/L of US$.18.87.

Next time, I have to be very careful for the Interest Rate differential while trading.

I would appreciate your input, analysis of viewpoint on my above comments and Trades’ charts.

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Hi @anon58863749 and thanks for the analyses.

Overall, I have to say that you seem to have had a dose of plain old bad luck with these trades. The worst of which was the GBPUSD. No one could have foreseen the Bloomberg announcement that caused that reversal - and it was all over in a matter of minutes. However!!! you have to concede that that is precisely the risk with any GBP-based pairs at the moment due to the sensitivity of the current Brexit negotiations - it could just as easily been the opposite and granted you a windfall profit! - but this had nothing to do with your actual analysis for that trade, which I would have agreed with at the time. I have put some charts on that below.

But regarding your actual trade analyses, I think there are two areas that you might look into:

First, you SLs are extremely tight for a daily chart analysis and don’t give a great deal of space to allow for normal fluctuations. They seem more suited to the 4H/1H charts. Having said that, it does seem that the price did often move even further through your SLs and maybe your losses could have been even greater than they were. But you could maybe look at a combination of smaller position size and greater stop distance - especially if you combine that with the second point here:

Second, it seems to me (at least from these specific trades) that you are often quite late getting into them. In some cases, as shown below, the trend has already been in existence for quite some time and your entries unfortunately coincided with the “last gasp and reverse”. When a trend has been going for some time then there is always a strong risk of a correction/consolidation phase/reversal, and if your SLs do not give sufficient allowance to absorb these then they are extremely vulnerable. You may like to try and find ways to tighten up your entry criteria so that you get into these moves a little earlier?

I don’t know if this is any help to you but here are a couple of examples looking at your trades from a different perspective that I hope demonstrate this late entry issue? These are only intended to illustrate the point and are certainly not a criticism of your methodology at all! :smiley:

Daily - already a steep move for many days and quite extended:

1 Hour - a very long move already prone to a correction:


Daily already extremely mature:

1 Hour - a very long move already prone to a correction:


Daily has already been trending a few days. Your entry was ok but could have been better - somewhere in that red ring area:

4-Hour once again shows the value of the 200-period SMA, which would have been a good exit point. Your exit level was well-chosen but gave back a good amount of potential profit - profit that could have been even more with an earlier entry:


This 1 Hour chart shows good reason for the short at the time:

But even the 15m shows how quickly this turned and no charts can predict these kinds of events - they are just the intrinsic risk in trading. However, sensible risk/money management should always keep these manageable and the damage limited. We just accept it and move on. There is no blame or reason to change one’s methodology for this kind of event.

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Thanks @anon46773462 for your valuable input and suggestions. Yes, you are right that’s why I have already discontinued trading the GBP based pairs till the clarity of Brexit issue.

Yes … you are right about the daily chart. But I use 4H chart for my primary timeframe and align my trade with the Daily TF. I use either 1H or 15M TF for my Entry and SL. I use different set of rules / timeframes for Day trading or Swing trading.

My account balance was US$.98,000/=. Last month I used 0.1 Lot size for all of my trades, but, for the current month, I have increased it to 0.2 for all the trades.

I think I am still using a lower position sizing as compared with my account balance. For example, I used 0.2 lot size with SL of 88 pips for GBPUSD trade whereas I could have used upto 11 Mini lots for the said trade as per my MM rules.

But, if I increase the SL pips value then there are more chances of bearing more losses as you mentioned

Agreed and noted for future trades. Thanks again Manxx for giving so much time to my post and providing your charts with your analysis on it.



Hi BP Community

After a long time gap, here is the latest update of my Forex trading account.

I started my forex Demo account trading from January, 2018 with the initial capital / balance of USD.100,000/- with 1:1 leverage.

In the beginning, I was using / testing two difference trading system simultaneously. One of which was Ichimoku Cloud and other one was EMA Crossover system.

Although, I was satisfied with the results of my trading with Ichimoku Cloud, yet I was not feeling comfortable with the cloud, because it was so clustered that the Actual Data (THE PRICE) was not clearly visible to me. So, I discontinued using the Ichimoku from October, 2018 and switched to my other system. I,once again, started to tweaking and improving my EMA system.

That’s why, it took almost 15 months to testing, tweaking and improving my systems. Initially, I was trading spot forex but from the last few months I have also started trading future contracts of Gold and WTI Oil.

And here is the screenshot of my Account statement showing my Equity / Learning Curve of 15 months forex trading.

At one time, I was down up to maximum of US$.6,000/= approximately during my 15 months trading period, which was almost 5.85% of my starting balance of US$.100,000/=. Later on, not only, I have successfully recovered them but also added few dollars to my account.

I am glad that I have successfully completed the 1st stage/level/phase of my Demo forex trading journey after joining Babypips.

Now, I am looking to successfully complete my 2nd stage ,which is to start earning consistently as well as to become a disciplined professional trader.


Edit: I am providing the link of Myfxbook account. If anyone is interested to check further details of my account or have doubt about my above statement / results, he / she may check the authenticity of it here



@anon58863749 Congratulations! Patience, persistance and learning! I am on a demo as well. Learning with every trade. What seems to be a very basic and simple cocept seems to be so much more on a closer look; there is so much to consider, so many details to remember in chart analysis.

Good luck with every trade,


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