Have you ever gotten tired of trading?

Definitely. :frowning: I’ve been there (and still there :sweat_smile: ) Losing streaks are really demotivating. But just for perspective, what do you consider as a “small loss” and what’s a “big loss”? If you don’t mind. :open_mouth:

Sadly no, i am from Denmark and in Denmark right now but as the viking that I am, it is my duty to go out into the world and settle down somewhere hmmmm that sounded a bit dramatic :sweat_smile:

I fly to Asia late August :airplane: But yes my plan is to move to Asia, and it is happening now :slightly_smiling_face:

I am really not sure where i first time did run into the company :thinking: i was looking for a prop firm so i cut scale up my trading and income and i did try 2 others before i did run into one i use now and it has only been a good experience :partying_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have given up a few times in my trading journey but I came back because I missed my charts. That’s when I realized I have deep passion in trading. What made me given up is not like I experienced in the corporate jobs but more like trading is very hard to solve sometimes and seems like you working so hard yet no results could be seen. You feel like you’ve learned so much yet you learned nothing.

I think the most important thing is that you must have passion in whatever things you do and why you started doing it in the first place. If you really serious about trading, then give it all of your blood, sweat and tears until it becomes a reality.

Remember, trading is a very serious business, you are basically fighting against a Titan (just imagine Attack On Titans anime in case you have watched it). They will tear you apart if you are not fully equipped with whatever you needed in order to survive.

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Wow!! That’s so cool!!! Which country?

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That sounds sooooo exciting! :smiley: Haha. Do you mind sharing which country you’re eyeing? :smiley: (Hopefully not the PH cause it’s brutal out here at the moment. :sweat:) It’s super interesting that you’ve decided to move to Asia. A lot of us here want to move to Denmark or anywhere in Europe. :sweat_smile:

Relatable. :sweat_smile: And love the AOT reference. HAHA. :smiley: But what you’ve said makes sense. Although I also did see this post about how “fire” and “passion” for something leads to BURNOUTS, so there’s also the challenge of not getting engulfed by the passion.

Thailand :slightly_smiling_face:

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PH maybe in future but that is for some other reasons maybe :laughing: the crazy thing is that PH and DK made some social agreements, that mean i can take 100% of my pension with me to PH when i reach that age :sweat_smile: and that compared with TH, i will loose about 50% of my pension :laughing: so if i take my pension with me to PH i get 100% with me from DK.

Crazy rules that maybe can affect my income on my visa application in TH, but for now all ok and fine and i know a person in PH where i can rent a house etc but that mean i will have a home in 2 countries in Asia :thinking: :flushed: that sound confusing but visa topics to the PH is easy for me so that is a thumb up :sweat_smile: also the languish for me is more easy on the PH ( English)

About you people from SE Asia who wanna move to Denmark etc. i can say my government are looking as i write this, ways to invite people from countries like PH, TH to Denmark too stay and work Denmark :upside_down_face: :grinning:


Cool! Do you speak the language?

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I understand more Thai than i can speak but i can speak the language so i can take care of myself so to speak, i still have problems saying the words in the correct tone :sweat_smile: like if say beautiful in Thai using the wrong tone, then it mean unlucky :flushed: :sweat_smile: that is the hard part i think about Thai its a tone languish.


That’s good right?! HAHA. :smiley: And I assume the cost of living here is much cheaper than DK (although everything’s getting more and more expensive as we speak. :sweat_smile:) Give it some time, but maybe stay away the PH for a few more years. :sweat_smile:

SIGN ME UP! :muscle:

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This is your sign to also visit Southeast Asia. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ooooh! :open_mouth: So pretty much like Mandarin where the tone is super important. :thinking:

Yes :thinking: maybe abit lige that i think :sweat_smile:

See you understand me 110% :sweat_smile: i have no intentions to move back to DK ever :upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

Hmmmm naaah why stay away from PH :sweat_smile: its not fair i think :joy: and yes you are so correct abort the costs of living etc also do not forget we pay a very high tax in DK :scream: if we include all taxes in DK we easy pass the 50% :sweat_smile:

Why shut i stay away from PH :rofl: not you made me think and I all most jump on a plane now to PH to see why you say that :sweat_smile:

Absolutely. It is not a work hard play hard game, if you are not a facilitator. As in, if you are not a professional trader who is either on the buy side or on the sell side, there is no way in putting in 90 hours of work per week to this.

But if you have taken any professional education for it, you approach it with a soldier mindset. Yoru analyses, spreadsheet work, everything takes a lot of time.

If you even have the sligthest professional approach and knowledge to forex and stock trading, or any kinds of trading in that matter, you know that in order to end up with a bias in your idea generation process, it takes a lot of time to keep your spreadsheets up-to-date.