Have you ever gotten tired of trading?

Hmmm. :thinking: As I’m trying to get back into the rhythm of trading, I just started to wonder if the long-time traders here ever got tired of trading. :open_mouth: Much like how in corporate jobs, you eventually find yourself getting tired of what you’re doing. :thinking: Have you ever experienced this and what did you do about it?

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Oh yes, I completed several years of becoming a break-even trader and the challenge lost its sparkle, this year. I played around with a $3k account, but lost interest along the way. So I transferred it all to Hal who is now managing my 7k account and I took a three month sabbatical.

And then strangely enough, I wondered why, my dull life had no sparkle to it. I was happy, healthy and had enough money to pay my bills and expenses, but nothing to make the best of my life ahead. Stalemate.

Then one day when i was posting in this forum, a topic regarding prop firms arose - I had long ago failed one CTI - and as though a door had opened I thought hey I could risk another £149 on offer by LUX trading firm who offered a max 10m for their clients to reach - and in my own time. No pressure.

So here I am now playing with a first demo account in three years, with an initial target of reaching a chance to trade a live $25k account, and at a cheap price. I am in the green now and I am again enjoying reaching a target that has no downside but a tough enjoyable challenge.

I hope you find a similar path to your FX journey.success - they are there.


No never 🫡

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I have just started trading and its too soon for me to get tired, but I get this a lot from my friends, it seems to be tiring.

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How would you feel if you were consistently profitable?

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Yes, there are times when I’ve felt tired and demotivated. I take a break, but then I always go back to trading.

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I frequently get tired of trading when I remain in consistent losses. But soon I recover it.


Forex trading is interesting to me so I rarely grow tired. But when I am busy with other work and suffer consistent losses, things go different.


This is super reassuring, Steve. :open_mouth: Thank you so much for sharing your journey for the past few months. :blush: I was scared that the feeling I get towards forex sometimes means that I’m just not fit to trade and that I should quit altogether. :open_mouth: This gave me hope because even a very experienced and established trader also shares the same feelings at times. :open_mouth: How has playing with your demo account been? :smiley:

Thank you sooooo much! :blush: I wish you all the best with yours too! :smiley:

Good for youuu! :blush: If you don’t mind, how long have you been trading? :smiley:

That’s nice! :smiley: I hope you’re enjoying forex trading so far. :smiley: If you don’t mind, how long have you been trading? Just a disclaimer though, getting tired doesn’t mean you should give up! Only means you should get some rest. :blush:

Definitely excited and determined to trade! :smiley: HAHAHA. I hope I get there eventually, but the Forex Gods have not been in my favor. :sweat_smile:

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Thank you so muuuch! :blush: How long do your breaks usually take? :open_mouth: Do you go as long as months of not trading? :open_mouth:

That’s definitely one of the reasons why I get tired of it a lot. :sweat_smile: Good thing you don’t let your losses discourage you from trading! :smiley:

It’s definitely interesting and very challenging! :smiley: Haha. I guess that adds to the appeal. But I also understand how other things can get in the way and forex trading just goes further down on your priority list. :open_mouth:

If i include trading on sport(s) then i been trading more than oi oi oi and think think think :joy: more than 15 years.

I came from trading on sports to trading on forex and i been trading forex 5-6 years :thinking:

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That’s quite a long time already! :smiley: Hahaha. It’s been a little over 3 years for me. :smiley: I hope we get to interact more and that I learn from your experiences! :blush:

@ria_rose :slightly_smiling_face: 3 years is better than 0 years and if there is anything I can help with, just contact me and ask away :slightly_smiling_face: there is no stupid questions only stupid answers :+1:

I follow The Filipina Pea on youtube so who knows, maybe all 3 of us one day (you, your husband and me) will sit and trade together over a cup of coffee on the Philippines :sweat_smile:

I now only trade with a forex prop firm called the 5ers and that has been a big gamechanger for me just for this one fact that you can begin with a let us say a $10,000 account and scale it up to a $4 mill. account with no time pressure if you so wish :sweat_smile:

Made me think about the Ice Age 2 “Crasch” scene: I believe i can fly … smaaaaash into a tree :joy: why can i rofl each time i see it :thinking: i not understand why but i do :sweat_smile:

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In my case, I usually get demotivated when I experience losses. So it depends on the degree of loss. When it’s a small loss, I usually take a short break for a couple of hours. But when I face a big loss, I need a few days off. Those moments can be tough, and I need time to de-stress and regain my focus.

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Can I just say I love the way you type? HAHAHA. :joy: It reminds me so much of my own way of typing. Very expressive. HAHA. And OMG :open_mouth: I already had a feeling but are you by any chance a Filipino? :open_mouth: If so, that would be so cool! Hahaha. I’m currently in the PH and it would be super amazing to have a fellow Filipino trader to meet up with and talk to! :smiley: Also, regarding this forex prop firm, how did you find them? :blush: