Have you tried Intermittent Fasting

Hello Guys,

I have been reading a lot about the long term benefits of intermittent fasting, and I decided to give it a try. So far, it is working for me.

I was wondering if there are any other traders that are doing intermittent fasting as well :slight_smile: . If so, can you please share your experience?

Enjoy your week :relaxed:

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Be careful when you are moving back to regular food, you can really mess up your digestion otherwise.

Hi Jorge,

I’ve been on a 1 meal a day for almost 2 years now.
And there’s no way back.
The improvements you see, feel, experience, the clarity you get in your mind. all the differences are so big that, I can’t even describe.
You really need to go through the process to understand.
Doesn’t matter how much I can type here, it wont be close to the differences you will feel in your body, brain, and life…

All the best! :slight_smile:


What is intermittent fasting in reality ? Ah, I just take a look in vocabulary really, sort of diet for seasoned holiday, but what will you do later really with all that things ? Are you doing for loose weight ? Or anything like this ? Please explain this to us more detailed.

That is awesome. Thanks for sharing! I read a lot of studies and there is a lot of information of the benefits of this life style.

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Is a life style more than a diet, you can look it up in Youtube there is a lot videos about, you can also check the medical site of harvard there are studies in the as well .

Right now I am doing the 72 hours water fast, and I am already feeling the benefits.

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I am Muslim and right now the whole Muslim world is doing Ramadan which is fasting for the whole month all participants would abstain from fulfilling their Nutritionals instinct and sexual instinct from sun rise to sun set
Beside from the spiritual side which can be in my opinion a période where the participant give up all pleasures so that his or her mind focus more on the big issues like why we are here and where are we going next who is God and why God created us why is Satan being satanic
Anyway all those Big questions
As i said beside the spiritual benefits Fasting has medical benefits I have read on some scientific and non muslim sites that one day of fasting cleanse the body of all the toxins accumulated during 10 days
So 30 days of fasting means to clean the body of all toxins accumulatted during 30 x 10 days almost 1 year

Let me make sure I did understand.

Do you drink only water for 30 days? if so, that is incredible! :open_mouth:

I only wanted 3 days, now I am interested on what would be the best way to break the fast, do you have any recommendations? I read is good to start with something light.

We stop everything at sun rise
Everything means sex drink food
At sun set we go back to life as normal until sun set
The best fast breaking food is water or milk with dattes
This according to what the Prophet and messenger of God (peace be upon him) did

i intermittent fast daily, have been doing for almost a year now, defo the best way to live and eat

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Do you do OMAD?

Yes I leave at least 1 hour between meals and snacks.

i dont personally. i eat one meal at 1pm. maybe a snack around 4pm then a meal at 7 pm. and just drink inbetween

Intermittent fasting is one of the best things to help your body. I was ready a piece of article from a renowned scientist that fasting helps in crushing the deadly cells by eliminating the fat. Muslims fast for a month and the results are evident from their physique.

I tried for six months, but it didn’t went well.
I got dizzy and weak for the better part of the days that I was fasting

Intermittent fasting is very popular nowadays, because it doesn’t have a lot of strong limits (only one). However, it doesn’t work anytime. If you during all the time when you can eat, eat only cheeseburgers and roast potatoes, I can disappoint you. It is the wrong way. To lose weight you need to reduce daily amount of calories. It means that you can it even at night, but it should be planned. If you are too lazy to count it (like me), try to order online fitness program on modernfit.com. Also there are lot of free useful information)

I am most definitely not fasting now.