Have you tried using multiple strategies at a time?

Since it’s a new year, I was feeling a little more adventurous. (Not sure if that’s a good thing though!) :sweat_smile: I was thinking of using another strategy along with the one I’m currently using. But this would of course be for separate trades. :thinking: What do you guys think? :open_mouth: Or is it a waste of time? Thank youuu!

Ooh what kind of strategy are you wanting to try? Like with a longer-term or shorter-term time frame?

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It just never works for me. I am still trying.

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Trading multiple strategies ( or portfolio ) should decrease your risk, of course, it depends on how you create these strategies. Not every combination or random choose will help you achieve this goal.

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I say go for it.I’ve found over the past year or two how consistent the market is when it comes to it changing.To counter the evolution I then developed 3 Strategies which I’m
currently using.Three different pairs on three different Timeframes with 3 different
strategies.Was no easy task but it’s kept me in the black thus far.You’ll never know if it was a waste unless you try!


Using multiple strategies is always appreciable because a trader can nearly perfectly forecast the market using multiple strategies.



I think it’s the opposite. More strategies leads to more confusion. The more strategies you use, the more mechanical you must become in order to keep them separated.


all you need is good tools and work organization. :slight_smile:


If both strategies are profitable on the long term… Why not?

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Recently I learned the hard way that it is always good to upgrade your strategy or gather more knowledge about it. I was doing just night trading on reverse depending on the position of market just before it closes, but the pattern changed recently and I lost some money.

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Hmmm. :thinking: Good question! :sweat_smile: Tbh, I’m still in the middle of picking which other strategy I’d use, but I’m leaning towards using a shorter-term time frame to maybe bag pips quicker? :thinking:

That’s interesting! :open_mouth: Do you think it’s a matter of finding the two strategies that complement each other? Or something completely different? :open_mouth:

Thanks for the reminder Prof! :open_mouth: Have you personally tried using multiple strategies at the same time? If ever, how did it work out for you? :open_mouth:

OMG that sounds amazing!! :open_mouth: And you’re able to manage different trades using these 3 strategies? :open_mouth: Do you ever find yourself confused and overwhelmed? :thinking:

I imagine it takes a top-tier trader to be able to do this. :open_mouth: I’m afraid I’m not there yet. :confused:

Working on it! :sweat_smile:

Have you also tried using multiple strategies? :blush:

Hmmm. Interesting way of putting it. :thinking: So in a sense, using a new strategy along with your current one can be considered as “upgrading” your strategy. :thinking:

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Not at all.My success is found in its simplicity.

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I trade only via multiple strategies. Currently, for forex only one strategy left, because this year, I focus on futures trading.