Hello Babypips Community

Hello, my name is Rawat Sakong. I live in Thailand.
I got to know Forex 6 years ago from investment solicitation and got scammed.
After that, I learned by myself, trial and error, and made consistent profits.
What I want is to build a stable growth investment portfolio.
And tell about investing in forex funds

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Hi mate, welcome, so what exactly do you mean by getting scammed? like a broker took your money away and didn’t pay it back or was that losing your funds?

Solicitation of investment in the form of trading deposits
Give a % monthly return and stop paying.
that had spread in my country 5-6 years earlier.

OHH why is it always the story lol I have literally seen noone, just no one who participated in such plans and wasnt scammed

Welcome Rawat! The past 6 years must have given you quite a journey. Looking forward to your contributions!

Welcome to the community, Rawat. Hope to hear more from you in the future.

Welcome Rawat and congrats on your consistent profits! Looking forward to hearing more about your trading experiences.