Hello BP community

Hi, my name is Emanuel but I go by Mannie. I got into trading a few years back with a group that just wanted to sell you signals. I found this site and I’m so happy. The knowledge here is amazing and I look forward to one day being able to contribute. I want to become a day trader so I’m currently going through the school of Pipsology.

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Hey Mannie, welcome! This is an awesome place to learn. Good luck to you

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Welcome Mannie! Good Luck on your trading journey :slight_smile:

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Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

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Hello and welcome, Mannie! Good luck with the School of Pipsology! We’ll be looking forward to your progress.

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Welcome to the forum! The School of Pipsology is a great starting point. Good luck with the School and your journey towards becoming a successful day trader. Looking forward to seeing your contributions in the future!

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