Hello Community

Ho there. My name is Ezra from Barbados, married with 2 girls and I’m entirely new to both Forex and Babypips. I’m 33yrs old, currently a full time soldier. Its my goal to free myself from the JOB and teach my children how to earn another stream of income using this skill set.

Recently a friend of mine introduced me to both Forex and Babypips and I’m very glad he did. I’ve discovered a passion for this skill for the past month and I absolutely into mastering it, so I’m going to stick with it until it becomes second nature to me.
I still have a bit of a way to go before I start making a lot of cash, I’ve started trading a demo account, so I’m going to take it slow and learn as much as I can from the community until I’m a confident master trader.


Thanks guys!

Hi bro. Nice to meet you.
We came here last

That’s awesome. So happy you’re trying to learn a new skill. Not many people do especially as they get older. Good luck and hope to see more posts from you here!