Hello :D just introducing myself or something

Hi my name is Baburto, I’m very new to this, but I’m excited to learn. Im from the United States and as said I basically have no idea what I’m doing lol. I hope to achieve some real success here !! I know I can do it ᕙ(•̀ᗜ•́)ᕗ and you can too! So um ya just a gal tryna learn some cool stuff and make some money possibly <3 thanks for accepting me into this new world of possibilities :smile:

Welcooome! :blush: Hahaha. It’s been so long since I’ve seen a kamoji here. :smiley: Haha. I’ll be cheering for you and if you have any questions while you’re going through the school here, don’t be shy to just ask! :smiley:

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Tysm!! Ya I know it’s old to use but I love them sm :smile: can’t help it! But yeah, will do!! ˙︶˙)ノ

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No worries! :blush: It’s actually super cute! :smiley: Hahaha. I would use them too if I had the patience to go and type them or look them up online. :sweat_smile:

most welcome in this community , have a very good journey on there.