Hello Everybody!

My name is Parsifal, I´m 53 years young and live in Vienna, Austria. I first became interested in Forex 2011 by accident. The reason was the so-called Euro-crisis : I decided to take my savings from the bank and changed them into US-Dollars at a time when you got about 1.55 $ for 1 Euro. After that another problem emerged : I didn´t feel too comfortable having all this money literally under my pillow and I was looking for a way to invest it, so I searched for a reputable broker and he recommended to buy some Apple and Google-Stocks.
Fortunately he called me in October last year and told me to sell Apple because he felt problems ahead for this company. Part of my profit I invested in long-term put options on the same stock. Looking back I would like to kiss him for that advice. A few month ago I lost my job (being too old and expensive) and I was looking for a way to use my time intelligently. Somebody told me there´s a way you can trade Forex on the Internet and earn some money doing this. I searched for as much information as I could, opened a couple of Demo-accounts and studied the fundamentals. A few days ago I stumbled upon your website and found it very useful, so I decided to join the community.:21:

Good luck to all of you and may God bless you


Welcome to the forex club, parsifal23!

First of all, virtual high five to whoever told you to sell your Apple stocks!

Have you tried demo trading the currencies first? It would be a shame if you lose a chunk of your hard-earned money to inexperience. Remember that you should only trade money that you can afford to lose!

Thank you krissylinne !
I still can´t believe how this guy knew only 3 weeks after Apple´s peak that it´s time to sell it, but he was more than right about that.
Of course I´m still working on Forex-demo-accounts until I feel comfortable enough to go live. I´ve started 6 weeks ago with demo-trading (10.000 Euros of virtual money) and after 1 week I was down at 8000. That´s when I decided to really get into it and learn the basics. Yesterday I was short USD/CHF and USD/CAD and long EUR/USD and my account grew very fast: together with a few nice wins last week my account is now over 14.000, that´s not too bad for the beginnig.
Also I start to enjoy it and to get a feeling for the movements.
I wish you all the best

welcome… sounds like you have been doin well… keep it up :slight_smile:

Congrats and keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

Hello … sounds like you have been doin well… keep it up

Captured a nice 100-pips move on the EUR/GBP during the last 2 days,got into it at 0.87050, TP-Level was 0.8600 and SL 0.87350,Trade moved immediately in my direction, missed a few other opportunities due to lack of time.
Good luck to All of You !

Yesterday I was short USD/CHF and USD/CAD and long EUR/USD and my account grew very fast: together with a few nice wins last week my account is now over 14.000, that´s not too bad for the beginnig.

Congrats Friends and hope you will continue this