I am trading for almost for a year now. i trade on binary options, and MT4 . trading has resulted me with serious ups and downs, my mains concern about joining the learning is to create a solid knowledge so i can trade comfortably. good LUCK!!! in trading.
I think it’s possible that two of the reasons for some of the “downs” you’ve been experiencing may be mentioned in your post above, actually.
Trading binary options rather than normal forex positions is putting yourself under a huge additional handicap, because as well as all the problems that all aspiring traders need to be able to overcome, you’re giving yourself a very substantial built-in house edge to overcome, [I][U]as well[/U][/I], thus stacking an already very tricky deck even further against yourself. A really [I]long, slow, careful[/I] read through this thread may help you [U]greatly[/U]: 301 Moved Permanently
This thread about MT4 might also help you.
Good luck to you, Wikeer … and welcome to the forum.