Hello everyone! Close to retirement looking for a new skill

I am excited to start my education in FOREX. I am 37 from Washington (state), USA, I am 6 years away from retirement and I want to learn how to trade in the FOREX to maximize my retirement checks. My ultimate goal is to use these last 6 years to gain experience trading with a “dummy” account. Ultimately once I retire I want to have my money working for me and not the other way around.

I have zero experience with the FX market, so I am brand new. I was recommended to this community by a friend.

  • jsms4185

Hi jsms4185!
Forex trading is a really good way to stay afloat during retirement. Plus, if you have kids, you could teach them how to do it too! Demo accounts are a great way to go when you’re learning, as long as you’re consistently profitable on your dummy account you shouldn’t have any issues switching. Although I will point out that some people do trade differently under pressure once real money is on the line, so be sure to stick to whatever has been working for you. Good luck!

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Thank you for the reply! I appreciate the feedback and I will keep in mind the dummy account mindset.

That’s great! I would suggest you try to multiply your money that you have earned by carefully investing in the forex market. Just learn about the basics to advance from the babypips - School of Pipsology. I always take help of that for understanding.
Lastly, don’t forget to enjoy your retirement life. We live once. Try to manage your new skills with your personal life.

Forex trading is surely going to be a great skill that you can earn with. I started forex trading part-time along with my job. After I started to make decent returns, I started doing it full time. It took me around a year to start making profits. Based on my trading journey, I can say that it was not easy but was absolutely worth it.

To learn forex trading, Currency Trading for Dummies is the best book that I can suggest. You might also go through certain courses on YouTube or Udemy but none of them will help you the way the forex books can. You can also read Trading in the Zone.