Hello everyone. I go by the name 4mateFx. Please welcome me

Allow me to introduce myself. I’m a teacher by profession and have found trading to be an important part of my life to supplement my salary for a better life. I am very happy to part of this forum and hope to learn a lot about WINNING TRADES. May we blessed more. Amen

Hello and welcome to the community. Hope you’re enjoying your stay here. Take your time learning and good luck on your trading journey!

Welcoooome. :blush: I feel you. :sweat_smile: Nowadays, it really helps to have an additional source of money on the side. :open_mouth: If you don’t mind, how long have you been trading? :smiley: Good luuuck!

What is more appropriate is to learn a lot about losing trades.

Welcome! This is definitely the place to learn and grow. Just remember, it’s a journey with its ups and downs. Good luck!