Hello everyone! im excited to join your community. It feels like i have taken my first steps to freedom

I have decided to learn to trade in order to achieve freedom.
By learning to trade i hope be able to accomplish my dreams of escaping the 9-5 life and finally be able to afford to build a family become a father, and to own a little piece of land that i will cultivate just like my grandfather did and his father before him.


It’s a nice dream but it takes time to build up! Let start from the basic with all free courses in babypips and begin from demo account to find your own strategy.

Good luck!


One step at a time now that i know what i want i just need to break it down and slowly walk towards my dreams i apricate the kind works and hope to learn and grow with all of you!

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Ignore social media marketing hype, it’s mainly fantasy land. The reality is months, maybe years of hard work learning how to become proficient. There is no short cut. Best of luck.

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I appricate the advice I’m willing to put in the hours as i know the end result is freedom

Welcome and study hard!

Liked your spirit. Wish you all the best :+1:

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That is one of the most noble goals in life. I started planting a few vegetable plants, Cassava and Chile plants during the pandemic and now after two years continue to benefit from those, It’s a great feeling when you have something from your garden on your meal.

If you’re interested in gardening you can start even in pots, there are a lot of YT videos people grow many things just on their terrace, or in very small spaces.

Attending to a garden is also an awesome way to get a break from tiring the mind when trading. Hope you’ll achieve both your Trading goals and Gardening goals.

Good Luck!


Appreciate the kind words everyone thank you

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First of all you need to be consistent with your trading. Don’t take a deep dive into trading with real money, trade a demo account first of all to prove to yourself that you can make money.

Take this advice from my point of view, I made this mistake, like a lot of people do - and lost a lot of real money!

Good luck buddy

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Absolutely i already made my plan to become a full time trader these are the steps i will follow,

First i will learn the basics (Completing the entire course here, Terminology, trading software etc etc)
Second I will decide on a strategy to learn then with my IBKR demo account i will test it and back test it for 6-9 months.
Third when i am consistently profitable with my demo account i will trade with real money but i will limit myself so if i end up doing something dumb it wont hurt my finances to much.
Finally when i get to the stage of being constantly profitable i will slowly increase the capital i trade with or even consider a margin account.

When i get to the point where i can do this full time i will create a company and get an accountant for tax reasons and from their i will have my financial freedom.

If everything goes well i hope in the next 3-5 years i will be able to quit my full time job and become a trader.

Sounds like a good plan mate. Hope it works out for you!

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Welcome @StoicPeasant , you’re on right platform.

Hi everyone my name is Tretrader_1 and I am new to this platform.

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Hello friend i am also new and from what i can tell this is the best place to learn to trade so welcome to the community and study hard!

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Welcome to BP! Love the enthusiasm and I hope you continue to keep at it! Practise on a demo account but before you do checkout the Pipsology course over here! It’ll help strengthen your basic foundation. Good luck!

That’s a great dream to have! As long as you live within your means, I definitely think you can make enough to enjoy a simple off the grid life.

Wish you the best on your journey <3