Hello everyone. I'm new to the platform

Hello guys. My name is Shaun from South Africa and I’m new to the platform.

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Hello , there no harm in doing all the courses . Then you can gather more knowledge and experience through the use of a brokers demo account .

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Appreciate the advice👊🏽

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Hi Shaun! It’s nice to meet you!

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Nice to meet you too…

Hello Shaun! Welcome to the community! How are you getting on with your trading education? Hope all is well!

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So far so good. Appreciate the welcome👊🏽

Welcome to the community, Shaun. Hope to hear more from you in the future. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

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Hope to have a fruitful journey with the community. Thanks for the welcome👊🏽

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Hello, welcome to the forum. Hopefully your journey will be amazing and you will learn a lot here. Would like to hear more from you.

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Thank you. Much appreciated​:facepunch:t4::facepunch:t4:

Welcome Shaun. Been trading long?

Thank you…
I only started learning last year. This year is my first year trading with a live account.

Hey, thanks for joining the forum! Learn well, and keep us informed of your progress. To get the best advice, I hope you enjoy having conversations with experienced traders.

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Hey, try to grab forex knowledge from everywhere you can. We would love to know about your experience here. So, stay active and keep updating us.

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I am getting familiar with the platform and hope to learn as best as I can.

Hello, it’s good to have new traders on this forum. It’s surely the best place to learn and develop an understanding of the forex market.

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Hey, welcome to this amazing community! As you have already taken your first step in the live market, I am quite sure that your experience will teach you several important lessons that you never read about in your books.

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Hello and welcome to the community! Go through as many educational resources as you can because your knowledge is going to be your saviour in the market.

Welcome dear. It’s nice to have you around. Tell us more about you.