Hello everyone. I'm new

Hello everyone. My name is James and I don’t know the first thing about FOREX. I am interested in learning how to make $100.00 - $200.00 per day and wanted to see if I could use FOREX as the vehicle to get me there.

I am very eager to learn.

Thanks in advance.


You will need a 100k account and years of experience to meet your fantasy profit target.

Ignore Social media marketing hype and get real.

There is no short cut to success as you will find out when you blow your account by gambling and overtrading.

Apologies for bursting your bubble.

first of all you have to make sure some inevitable part of trading , then try to earn. this is a perfect process

First you need to filter what is usable from this forum and what is total nonsense. Afterwards you will have to do the same thing on Youtube and whatever online platform. Studying and gaining experience. Quicker route: Just study ICT. It is all you need.
Even then you will have to submit to time! Forex is no vehicle to get you somewhere. It is a business. Treat it as such.

Welcome to the community James! Yes, it’s possible to make that amount eventually, although in the beginning I would focus more on not losing money versus profit. Wishing you the best of luck. Also know it’s going to take time, hard work, and invested money to get there.

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