Hello everyone, new here

Hello everyone.
I’m Gabrielle and new here.
I’m glad that I’m here. tell me about yourself.

Hello @Lee-me
Welcome to the community.
I’m Ethan.
So, tell more about yourself? you’re new to the whole trading and stuff?

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Hey Ethan!
Thank you.
Not that new actually. It’s been while that I’m practicing on a demo account, but learning has no limits right? so i decide to join and learn :slight_smile:

Well, no there’s no limit and with that mindset I’m sure you’ll do a great job.
Good luck mate!

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Hi and welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome Gabrielle! This is a good place to discuss ideas and learn from others. Good luck on you journey and see you around!

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Thank you! looking forward to it.

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Welcome to the community, Gabrielle. How has your trading been so far?

Welcoooome! :blush: Are you currently already going through the school? :blush: If you ever have any questions, don’t be shy to ask away! :smiley: Haha.

Hello forumites. I’m new here too, I hope you don’t offend me :wink:

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Hello Gabrielle! We’re glad to have you here. This is a great place to learn and connect with other traders who share a passion for forex trading. We look forward to seeing your progress!

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Not gonna lie, sometimes good, and some times… well you know. I’m here to learn and improve.

Oh that’s so nice of you. Thank you for the support :slight_smile: <3

Welcome to the community, @MarcelTR. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

We’re all here to learn. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

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Thanks mate! :wink: :heart:

You’re welcome. hope to hear more from you in the future.

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