Hello everyone nice to be welcomed

Hello my name is Jamel I’m from California :palm_tree::palm_tree:. I have been trading for a little over 7 months so I’m still brand new. I started with iml (was not for me) I didn’t want to Recruit people. All I wanted to do was learn how to trade.So now I have been independently learning how to trade forex and it has been a struggle, but I have learned so much. now I’m slowly I’m becoming a profitable trader so thank you guys for welcoming me to the community.

welcome Mate for joining with us. its a good place you have chosen as a new forex trader. i hope you will enjoy your stay with learning new level of trading.

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being a profitable trader is a big deal and a very long term process , for that reason so many result quit after passing sometimes. be patience first of all.

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Welcome :slight_smile:

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very welcome to baby pips forum, happy trading

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Hi Jamel,
And welcome to the forum. You will not be disappointed. There are a lot of members here who are very helpful. If you did not do so already you will find the School of Pipsology a very good grounding for beginners, so please try to complete it over some weeks or months.

Welcome Jamel! Congrats on your progress! Looking forward to hear more about your trading experiences. Good luck!!

welcome Jamel