Hi, I’m Mark
I’m pretty new to forex, started at Christmas with crypto and straight away had good luck but turned out to be short lived as I made all the beginner mistakes.
Currently unemployed so want to try to make
trading profitable enough to not return to conventional work.
Nice to meet you all
How much have you got saved up? Less than 10k to trade? Then find a job first.
Well welcome to BP , most people think that just because someone are in special situation when starting forex can’t succeed, all depends in your mindset , there is a lot of hard work to do my dear, but doesn’t meant are impossible to get a decent income in forex, good luck !
Dear welcome from me. I am also a user here. Its good to see you here. I would suggest you to start your trade from forex where spreads and other things are tight. All you need is basic knowledge and familarity with how to use tech and historical data to open close trades.
After you know how to use tech snd historical data you would have your own signals once your rail starts to run the track will lead you the way and destination you want