Hello Everyone (Trade Billionaires)

Hello Everyone!
Am Ernest from Nigeria, i am new to Trading with no accounting background but with the right attitude / mindset to do hard things and am glad to finally find my part to doing what i should have done 17 years ago.
i hope to learn from all of your ‘‘excellent’’ trading secret and looking forward to being mentored by these community to become a renowned trader and create wealth that will liberate my Family, Community and Africa at large from the impairing poverty that helms her people.

Am open to learning, improvements and your great guides, mentorship and excellent coaching.

Many thanks,

Good luck, it’s never to late to start. Have a look at YouTube, there are lots of videos on there for free. Also set up a demo account with a broker and don’t go live until you’re consistent.

Welcome to the community! Take your time learning and do not rush into trading with your real money. Good luck and hope you’ll have a great time here.