Hello everyone!

Hi. My name is Mike. For as much time as I spend researching, studying, practicing, and trying my hardest on the forex, for the last 8 months, it doesn’t feel like I’m a newbie, but… I am. Here I am. I know I need to be in with others who know what they’re doing, and those who are presently walking on the same road I am.
I’m 46 yrs old. I’ve been on this mission since the beginning of this year. My plans are to go with a live account come Jan. (hopefully). And afterwards of about 2 yrs, I want to be running my very own full time trading business.
I’ve never been so passionate about anything in my life than this. I only wish I was 20 yrs younger! But, nevertheless, for the rest of my life I know I will be climbing this challenge. In my life, I have been successful with things that I have put my mind to. But this…forex…will be the ultimate satisfaction. This is very hard! I have read so many stories of crash and burn, blown accounts after accounts. I only hope to learn from everyone. This reminds me of what I’ve told my kids growing up. "If you would only listen to me, you could learn from my mistakes. You CAN avoid much trouble in life if you would only listen to me. You haven’t experienced anything I haven’t. Just listen and learn!"
So, here I am. This is the rest of my life. I’m ready to learn.
So far, I have a trading plan, filled in for the most part. I’ve been trying different trading strategies, but nothing sticking. I keep daily stats of pairs for some reason or another, but nothing really coming about them. I do have a good money management model in place. I just need a good strategy. I’m looking for consistency.
I need people around me.
Hope to talk to you all.

Great introduction Mike! Welcome and thanks for sharing your story! Trading is a skill and a big lifestyle change…especially when you trade currencies! Just remember to be patient in your development and focus on refining your process.

Good luck and glad to have ya aboard!