Well, now is your time for you to ACT. Practice and experiment on a demo account. Develop a profitable strategy and process that you can follow for every trade.
There is no bulletproof method to prevent trading losses, however much you have learnt. So accept it is the norm, and get trading.
Yes, actually I do Demo trading and having lots of fun with it. In overall, I’m quite happy of the results that I reached so far. Sometimes my analysis is correct and I get a profit, sometimes doesn’t work and it miserable fails and hits the stop loss. Bottom line, I learn precious lessons at each trade.
That’s just to begin with, as my plan is to open a Live account as soon as I feel ready and confident with it.
Welcome to the community! It sounds like you have realistic expectations about the difficulty and time that it takes to become a good trader, so you’ve started off on the right foot already. Wishing you luck!