Hello everyone!


My name is Andy and the reason which drove me into joining the community is learning about this craft, growing into a professional (in time and with a lot of practice).

The reason to learn forex is to acquire a bran new skill which, I must say, it’s quite challenging and demanding. Therefore, I acknowledge that education to build a solid foundation is the first step towards success.

Ultimately, the goal I’d like to achieve is that this skill gives me an edge, and by an edge I mean being able to use money as fuel, fuel to pay bills, to afford daily expenses, to save for the future, so on and so forth, whether I become a millionaire or not is not relevant (at least, not to me).

Looking forward to learning from the site as well as from the community, may you all have a great time and happy holidays!! :slight_smile:

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learning is a continuous process and way to stop learning after passing a long time. so be patience first of all , otherwise no way to survive successfully.

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most welcome in this forum. this forum is full of education especially the psychology of school which contains all basic knowledge and experience.

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to be a successful trader is a long journey , need a powerful money management including exact knowledge and experience.

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hi and welcome

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any kind of education can be useless if there is no regular level of practice , so we the traders should practice for a long time in demo and micro .

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Hi Andy! I really like that you are ready to give time to trading. Many new traders rush to make money despite knowing that they lack trading skills. Learning is the first stage. Make the most of it here. Good luck!

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Indeed, I completely agree with you :slight_smile: Education is the utmost important goal when taking trading up as a craft. Thank you for your comment and encouragement, nice being in contact!

Agreed! First things first, education and then, taking theory into practice with demo accounts or even doing paper trading. There’s an old saying that goes something like this: “Every 1000 miles’ path begins with a step.” Thank you for your words and piece of advice!

Hello to you too and thanks for the welcome message! :slight_smile:

Absolutely! Thank you for your words! :slight_smile:

Hello and thank you for the welcome message! Indeed can I see this site is full of outstanding information, I am looking forward to growing both technically and more importantly, psychologically speaking.

Agreed! Along the way mistakes will be made, yet, by being patient, introspective about my trades (either good ones or bad ones) and by keeping a student mindset, I should be able to build -in time, of course- a strong mental foundation that lasts long and that helps me succeed as a trader. :slight_smile: