Hello everyone!

My name is Suraj, and I am new to the forex trading community. I am excited to learn more about the market and how to become a successful trader. I understand that forex trading can be challenging, but I am eager to put in the time and effort to learn the ins and outs of the market. I look forward to engaging with the community and learning from more experienced traders. Thank you for welcoming me into the community.

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Hello @Suraj_Tmg
Welcome to the community!!!

Do you use any trading platform?

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learning is too much important but if there is no regular level of practice , any kind of learning approach can be useless.

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the pips school + trading in a demo account = the best result as a new Forex trader. happy trading .

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if you want to be a successful trader i think first of all you have to make sure the most powerful analyzing trade knowledge , otherwise no way to survive.

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