Hello fellow traders! I'm a professional trader with more than 5 years of trading experience

Greetings esteemed traders,

As an experienced professional trader boasting over five years of expertise, I extend my salutations to this esteemed community. It is with great enthusiasm that I anticipate the exchange of knowledge and insights, as I aspire to contribute my own wealth of experience and eagerly absorb the wisdom and experiences of fellow traders.


That’s a very formal introduction! Welcome @dipak615! Which country are you from and do you trade other instruments outside of forex?

Welcome! Great to see someone with such experience joining the community. Looking forward to hearing your contributions!

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Welcome to the community, @dipak615. How has your trading been so far? Hope to hear more from you.

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Thank you! I am pleased to engage in conversation with you. Initially, I commenced trading in the stock market and have since transitioned to trading in the foreign exchange market. Therefore, stocks and forex constitute the primary assets in which I predominantly engage in trading activities. Thank you for your response.

Hey there, thank you! Hope I’ll have some good time here with you guys talking and learning about your trading journey.

Is it just me or you guys got the lord of the ring vibe too? :joy: :joy: :joy:
Just kiddin, welcome mate!

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Thank you! How are you?

@ponponwei Sounds like an AI bot. :wink:

It is not mate!

The bot speaks! Lol. Jk @dipak615! Thanks for responding and letting us know you’re indeed human. What trading instruments do you have experience in?

Oh wait @dipak615 I missed your response that you started with equities. Which country are you from? :slight_smile: