Hello Forex Traders, this is me :)

Hi, my names Amanda. I’m just a curious student who has recently been introduced to trade.

I’m excited to learn and see what this leads to. I hope that this can become a door of opportunity for me as well.

Thank you for welcoming me to the community!


Welcome aboard. Enjoy your time playing on a demo account while learning how not to lose money. See if FX trading suits you and your lifestyle.

best of luck.

Hello Amanda ,

Good you have such positivity , If you put in the effort and hours of practice and have the tenacity to experience failure and pick yourself up again, you have a good chance of success but it can be a long haul with no short cuts .The benefits are, you can practice on Demo without the loss of money

Welcome Amanda! I hope you get to achieve your goals. It will take time but remember to be patient, motivated and determined in this journey! Good luck!

Hi and welcome in BP community :slight_smile: