Hello from Los Angeles

I’m Joseph - I love writing trading systems and usually write my own from the ground up - but this year I’m trying to learn Metatrader so I can focus more on the algorithms and less on the framework.


Hello and welcome, Joseph! Good luck on your trading journey and we’ll be looking forward to your progress!

Hey Joseph! :wave:

Impressive that you build trading systems! :clap: Metatrader sounds like a great focus to dive deeper into algorithms. I lean more towards charts and patterns in trading! :chart_with_upwards_trend: Excited to learn alongside you on this journey. Cheers! :tada:

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MT5 is the one to learn from as it’s an upgrade from MT4, and now plenty of traders are writing their systems on it.

Thanks steve369 - I did start with MT4 and learned how to integrate c#.net into it and have now upgraded to MT5 because detecting closed trades (from stops) was kind of wonky. Still a lot to learn!

Hey Joseph, great to have you here! Wishing you all the best in your journey of learning and mastering Metatrader!

Welcome to the community, Joseph. Do you plan to share any of your trading systems?