Hello from Spain! Complete noob here!

Hey, I’ve been thinking about learning the art of trading for quite some time now and I’ve finally decided to try it out. I started researching about two weeks ago maybe and I just now found this forums. I’ve been reading, watching videos, trying to analyse live charts, etc. but I hadn’t found a nicely structured course to follow so I could get a nice starting point. I think this place might be what I was looking for!
I’m looking forward to learn together with all of you.
And sorry in advance if I make silly questions, as I said, I’m a complete newbie!
Thank you!


Welcome to the world of trading!
Don’t worry about asking questions; we all start as beginners, and happy learning, and best of luck on your trading adventure!

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Hi and welcome to BP community :slight_smile: the education section will be good for you as a start :slight_smile: Regards Greg


Welcome to the family man! Here is a good place to start,

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Welcome to the community, @MrUlfur. Start with the education section here. It’s the best place to start for beginners. Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you.

Welcome! The School here is the perfect place to find that nicely structured course you’ve been looking for. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have. Everyone starts somewhere, and we’re all here to learn and grow together.