Hello, from the US!

Hi everyone,

I guess I will introduce myself. I’m from the US and have been learning about day trading on and off for a bit and recently looked into Forex trading because day trading stocks would have conflicted with my full time job. My goal is to not work 9-5 any more and become financially independent. I know it’s a long road but I think it will be worth it!


Welcome, study hard!

Welcome! It takes time, patience and dedication in order to be successful in this journey. Good luck on your goals!

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Welcome to the community, @Sekkano. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcoooome! :blush: I think it’s great that you have realistic expectations. :blush: It can take weeks or months before you learn about forex, and an additional time before you’re profitable. :open_mouth: I hope you see it through!

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In your opinion is it a good idea to jump around some in the Pipsology course or is it better to go in order?

Go in order because the course builds on knowledge learned from prior lessons.