I am from Trinidad and Tobago, a twin-island state in the Caribbean where you will find an honesty, playfulness, warmth and independence that define the spirit of a nation.
We’re at the southern end of the Caribbean island chain, just seven miles off the coast of South America. You can see the mountains of Venezuela clearly from our capital city - Port of Spain.
There are two sides to our twin islands. On one side, there’s Trinidad: energetic, exciting; a melting-pot of races, cultures and ideas. This, for the most part, is a place of stimulus and excitement rather than relaxation. It demands participation: in a sport, a festival, a journey of discovery…….a place that gives back what is put into it.
The flip side is Tobago, serene, philosophical, dreaming beneath the sun and the wash of the waves. Tobago, where the sea’s blue is startling and the roads wind like snakes along the steep green hillsides, is the place for dozing in a hammock, snorkelling on a reef, sipping a rum punch at sunset…….a place for rest, or romance; for regeneration.
Toss a coin, take your pick; choose one island or both. Heads or tails — you win. Expect an unforgettable experience.