Hello guys! I am a goal oriented man

Hello guys. I am a goal oriented man currently undertaking my undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering. I have hopes to make it in life and make a huge impact in my community. I have been wondering online and l have seen that there is a possibility of making money online if l just dedicate myself to the virtual world. I have tried other online business but l dont find it exciting and that’s why l am choosing Trading because not only l have seen that its possible to make huge amounts of money l have also seen that l can find something to do besides work that is profitable.

I’ve seen that it’s possible to make huge amounts of money

…but it is more likely for 85% of new traders to lose all their money, by overtrading, gambling and revenge trading.

Ignore social media platforms, it’s mostly fantasy land.

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Welcome to the community, @Coxellae. Start with the education section here. As you go along your leaning, open a demo account to practice. This way you don’t lose money while you’re still learning. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome! Remember that it’s not easy making money in forex. It’s going to be a long journey of learning and practice. Just like any other profession, you will need to spend time getting the required skills to be successful. Good luck!