Hello Guys im new here

Hello my Name is Alex from Germany. I’m a fulltime Trader and found the way here because of Marketmilk. I love scalping and always to find in the Mayors. Most Timeframes are m5, H1 and H4.

Are here other Traders from Germany too?

Looking forward to connecting and networking with People i can help with my knowledge or can learn from other who are better then me :slight_smile:

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Welcoooome! :blush: It’s exciting to have more and more experienced traders here. :blush: if you don’t mind, how long have you been trading full-time? :thinking:


Thank u :slight_smile: since August 2017 i started the Journey fulltime :slight_smile: and u?

Hi and welcome to the community! Looking forward to seeing some helpful trading tips from your personal trading experiences. Enjoy your stay here!

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