Hello, here to introduce myself

Hello. I’m Michael and have been learning about trading on and off for a few years now and ready to get into it with more passion.

Never really paid too much attention to forex until recently and have been trading a demo the past month learning the platforms, learning how to use different technical analysis strategies, learing how to read charts ect…

Pretty much just mucking about seeing what i like and figuring out what kind of trader I am.

My goal is to be a winning player in the game. And the money is the points on the scoreboard.

I’m here to learn as much as I can and hope to maybe take something away from here to help me become a smarter, better, more confident winning trader.

And if it doesn’t work out I’ll start a YouTube channel and be a guru…just kidding.

You will find that trading live is a whole new ballgame. Focus on process and emotional control at all times, and let rewards take care of themselves.

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And what sort of a trader have you decided you think you might be? Biggest decider has to be time availability.