Hello, i am a HFX student

I want to learn how to trade. I’m in HFX bit would like to learn more too.

Hi and welcome. What is HFX for a layman?

Welcome to the community, @mauven79. Start with the BabyPips school.

Same question, what’s HFX?

I see it is high frequency trading. A great place to start without knowledge and experience unless you bet the farm on it. Best of luck with your goals and welcome to the forum. HFX is considered very high risk by most traders. All I know about this is that unless you have a server within a few nanoseconds of the exchanges (not Wall Street, the server farms) you are at a distinct disadvantage. I also understand that queueing of your orders, like shorting stocks, is weighted on the side of the whales and not the retail investor. When you have learned some more, please look into the negative aspects of HFX and remember that confirmation bias can screw your life up for longer than you live.

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