Hello I’m ready to learn

Like everyone else who started as a newbie wanting to learn something new with big dreams. I hope to learn and understand everything.

Start with the course on here , , though basically you have to find your own niche , the members on here
will be happy to try to answer your questions.,It free from scammers and people will share ideas without ulterior motives

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That will never happen, and why there’s no short cut to eventual success. Put aside several years and get ready to climb Everest with a 50 kilo backpack.

learning is important there is no way to ignore but despite of learning the result of trading can be useless if there is no regular level of practice.

sounds good and positive that you willing to learn , because most of the newcomers always try to bring profit with no learning , and at the end of the they become loser .

try to learn from your last mistake , this is the best source to gain more knowledge . thanks and welcome