Hello! I'm Mohammad Asif

:wave: Hello! I’m Mohammad Asif, a passionate trader with a year’s worth of experience under my belt. :chart_with_upwards_trend: I’ve dedicated myself to learning and honing my skills through two comprehensive trading courses: Price Action and Smart Money Concepts. :bulb: These courses have empowered me with valuable insights and strategies that I’m eager to apply in the exciting world of trading. :blush: I’m thrilled to be a part of this forum, as it provides a fantastic platform to connect with fellow traders and enthusiasts. :star2: I’m particularly interested in building connections with day traders who share a focus on the smart money concept. Let’s grow and succeed together in the dynamic realm of trading! :rocket:

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I hope your year’s worth of experience is coined with year’s worth of psychology as well. :grinning:

Best Regards and welcome aboard;

Awesome to meet ya!

Welcome to the community, Mohammad Asif! Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey!

Great to have you here! It seems you’re well-prepared for this trading journey! I hope you can also share your knowledge and experiences here in the community.