Hello I'm new here 😊

Hello, I’m new here and I’m new to forex too just started some months ago hopefully I can learn something great here.:blush::blush:

Welcome on board. How’s it been going so far?

Hello and welcome! There are lots of free materials here that will help you in your trading journey. Good luck!

I’m quite new to this forums but I’m more than 5 years in trading. I’ll be pleased to answer any question from you.

Hey, welcome to the forum. Start with the basic education and then, move ahead step by step to get better.

Nice to meet you and welcome to the community!

Hello and welcome! One thing that I would like to tell you is that never take shortcuts when you are learning. Forex trading is not as easy as it may seem. Working towards your goal requires you to learn the basics properly.

Welcome to the community, @Oluwatobi_fx. How has it been for you so far?

Hi!!! Nice to meet newcomers around there. At least, I am always happy when someone joins the community of traders as I have another opportunity to give an advice to rookies =) It makes me feel happy, you know…

First of all, get rid of any doubts and just do what you do. It’s a simple rule, but FX trading isn’t simple at all. You shouldn’t think that you can earn money here just within minutes. Sometimes you can, but it’s just a luck, which shouldn’t be considered as something to rely on in trading. Practice, practice and once again PRACTICE! This is everything you need for prosperity in the world of exhcange rates…