Hello I'm New, question about forex signals

I’m new here. I am trading with a GFT demo account. My question is, are there any tools that could give send me an alert on my mobile or email when a currency pair reaches a certain exchange rate. For example if the AUD/USD is currently trading at 0.9080 , I would like to get an alert on my mobile or email when it reaches 0.9070.

If I’m not mistaken, GFT has the abililty to send alerts via SMS or email built into the platform. Check the user guide they may have instructions.

I use MT4 for my charting/trading so am not so familiar with the Dealbook platform.

ok, thanks man, i’ll take a look into it.

Yeah, GFT has that feature built in. I wish MT4 did… As it is now you have to do everything short of a human sacrifice to get MT4 to send a text message. :slight_smile:

Haha it is a bit of work but I have managed to set email alerts. The emails that are sent come to my phone because I have a data plan with my carrier for emails. Thus anytime an email comes to my inbox I can read it and act accordingly.

I think it can be done in many ways. I remember there was a service that offered it…can’t find now.

DailyFX has these types of alerts for prices as well as economic news releases.

Hi! My name is Kathryn and I’m pretty new to forex trading too, but I have some friends who trade and they’ve been full of knowledge for me.
I’ve been told from my friend who trades forex that GFT does have a built in alert system.
I think that most companies offer that now, and if they don’t, then they better soon!

Pretty simple with DealBook360.

Just go to graph of say AUD/USD and right click the mouse. Then choose “Create Alarm” option, set the condition and choose to be notified via email or SMS. It works fine.

Good luck


Are you charged for sms alerts? Or would that be dependent on your cellphone provider?

No charge on a part of GFT?

Good question.

I don’t think you are charged for SMS messages receiving from GFT using normal providers. Although worth checking.


Thanks man, just what I wanted.

There is no charge from GFT, but there will probably be a charge from your cell phone provider.

It’s not that expensive. Here in the US I pay $5.00 per month for up to 200 messages. :slight_smile: