Hello is this the NASDAQ100 index?


Its about 30-40 pips difference This is the NDX 100 Chart Ive tried to get snapshots really fast for you to see the difference

And this is the US TECH 100 Spreadex(I have no idea what Spreadex means)

Which one is the correct one. ?

Spreadex is an English broker - I know nothing about them.
Bogdan you are just confusing yourself.
Why don’t you just stick to IG they are a good broker and if you are happy with their leverage and platform all is well. I wouldn’t bother running around and getting in a pickle.

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Two completely different markets. One is from NASDAQ. The other is a CFD from SpreadEx (English gambling company). One you can’t buy, the other offers you leverage.

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They’re both correct.

There‘s no reason for them to be the same: they’re two different things.

Bogdan, you need to start by understanding clearly what a CFD is.

The firms you think of (and most people here refer to as) forex “brokers” are NOT actually brokers at all, but counterparty market-makers.

When you “trade spot forex” you’re not actually trading anything real; you’re just betting against a counterparty on the price-movements of the counterparty’s own products, which are artificial and have been created solely for you (and others) to bet on them.

It’s absolutely essential to understand this really clearly BEFORE you start trying to “do” anything.

This is where you need to start, to understand all these things (you’ll need to read each page carefully and think about them) …


The funny thing is that the SPREDEX borker was identical to IG.com to the pip.
While the NASDAQ100 had 30-40 pip difference.

I need to see a gap I dont see it in IG.com This is why the whole process is a lot harder. The system ive bought and tested years ago around 2017 (worked greate and even today it would have gave me a 15% gain in 1 day) sure there will be losers but this is amazing just trade that the gap is gonna trade. No fuss no fluff but I neet to see that gap and IG.com don`t show it.

Nothing “funny” there. That’s what I’d expect.

Spreadex and IG will often be almost the same (not always exactly the same) while the Nasdaq itself will be significantly different.

When you understand clearly what’s in my post just above, that will be what you expect, too. :grinning:

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Jane do you think its possible that on NASDAQ100 the price could drop from 18.100 to 18.001 on the NASDAQ and be recorded as such in Yahoo Finance

And on the SPREADEX and IG it could go down until 18.010. SO 9 pips higher than the gap is. And even though on the regular NASDAQ100 I would have made a profit because the price has touched 18,001.

On the SPREADEX and IG.com I wouldnt go down until 18,001 but only 18,010 and shoot back up dont close the gap and maybe hit my stop loss.

And I`ve would have to close the trade because the strategy is clearly intraday not more than 1 day. And what would have been a win would end up to in fact a losing trade because of these differences in price?

I told you - on IG just draw line across from where it closed 9.0pm and you will see the gap, ignore the overnight chart. If you want to fill the gap - the line you have drawn will be your target.
All this about other brokers prices is irrelevant. Why are you looking at different brokers? You are getting in a dreadful muddle.

Use the drawing tool

Line across from last nights close.

Ok but how to I know if its an up gap or down gap. If the prices for today lets say havent reached the 18.700 target untull the night. It was all the time up over the gap but I cant know from the chart how much up. The system you look for 5 minute candles you let the first one form.

The previous day it closed the next day it opened but the prices shown on the NASDAQ100 were different than the ones on Spreadex.

But I digress so I look at the chart at 9:30 Am US TIME. I let the first candle form, and on the second candle, if I see it move down, then I place a buy trade that the gap will close as today`s example was.
But I neet to see the real price of the second candle. IG and Spreadex were way off the NASDAQ100 trading view chart.

There was something wrong with my screen shot but that’s the gist of it.
WHY USE SPREADEX? They don’t seem right. In all my time I have found IG to be accurate, I also use TG365 they are giving same prices as IG but their platform is not user friendly.
Use the drawing tool to put a horizontal line across from last night close ie today you would have sold Nasdaq to go down about 200pts and it did :smiley:

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And do you really need Trading View for that matter?

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