Did these things help you to become a profitable trader?
I definitely can, @prafrgargafd.
I shall provide the resources and you will have to skim through them because I may be sure of the veracity of this website, but here the argument is for you to convince yourself.
First I want to point you towards a page taken directly from babypips.com.
Having read what the website says the readers think of its own content, let us look elsewhere where the opinion may be less shaped by what the lion intends to show - the latter being a metaphor taken from the pages of The Da Vinci Code!)
Hi, I am glad that you chose to be a part of babypips. The education material here is great to start your journey. And if you have some queries in your mind, do post here to get help from your senior traders.
Hey, the school of pipsology is enough to start your learning with. Once you are through your basics, demo trade for a while before you take the plunge.
Hello dear, thanks for the advice.