Why do you follow Babypips? Discussion

I have come back to Babypips after a while and read the posts. This forum is still as unprofitable as ever. Unprofitable traders sharing their unprofitable knowledge. It is like trying to learn math from someone who failed math his whole life. So my question is why?

I respect honest answers. I want to understand. Even if you are here to find others who fail in trading, so you are not alone in that aspect…you can be honest. Hoping this is not the reason why of course. Please do not answer with quotes or fantasy based answers. This is real life. No ‘‘If you study hard, you will reach your goal’’ type of answers.

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So do you expect from BP users or team, complete check list, point by point, knowledge how to make profitable strategies or even better, give you profitable strategies for free? Knowledge how to build, evaluate, create and management portfolio which cost very much time and thousands of dollars because you don’t want to make own research? Who lives in a fantasy world…

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Well, I shall speak for myself. In the question you asked me directly in the below thread I tackled the veracity of babypips. Now here I will speak my opinion as this comes from my experience.

Forex, or any kind of investment and trading instrument, is no easy feat. I, like many others here, have made money and have lost money, have been proud of my achievements and devastated by my losses, but, in no way does that make babypips the scapegoat of our progress.

This website is only an educational platform and a meeting place for like-minded individuals who do not shy away from exposing their losses and their profits.

While I am not authorised to speak for anyone else except myself, I do believe that this is the general consensus of the members here.

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Its inevitable that most members of a site like this, with a name like it has, in the field that it is focused on, will be unprofitable at this time.

But that’s only like saying that most students in the first week of their Degree course would be unable to pass their final exams.

This site is a fine educational resource. As there are multiple ways to be profitable there are multiple differing / competing / contradictory pieces of advice available here.

I’m sure I am unclear what you really want.

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I don’t think that’s a fair assessment. Sure, there is plenty of regurgitated advice and some sketchy info, but this is a public forum for beginners, so you learn to filter through that.

But if you can’t, or it’s beneath you as clearly seems to be the case here…then why are you here?

In fact, what is this thread even contributing?


Exactly what I was going to ask!


Way to be rude :slight_smile:

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First of all understand that 85% of traders - USA stats for the last 150 years - are not successful for a multitude of reasons that I’m not going to list right now as I’m sure I’m responding to one.

How I became profitable was exactly by studying hard for two years, three months, every day, keeping a running journal diary that contains 39,229 words of my progress as at today.

Which shows that there is no short cut to a successful goal. And, IMO, if you’re not capable of putting in the hard work, you’ll fail.

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In all honesty I would really like to know why in heavens name are you still here???

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Cause I can and want to research and discuss.

To open a discussion and to see how valuable Babypips actually is.

Thank you for your honest answer. Appreciate it!

Thank you for your thoughts.

I might have made the post with too much anger, cause of many scammers on lots of forums and many people who give advice that is proven to be wrong. Apologies for that, but your answer did clear up some things. Thank you.

It is what I perceive as the truth.

You are saying things I have never said.

This is a forum aimed at beginners. A few people on here are profitable, fewer share their strategies.

Personally I like to read people’s methodology and see if I can incorporate that into how I trade. I don’t use hard rules, but I know systems that do can work. Most of what’s on here is rubbish, but there are some absolute gems and @Dennis3450 posts bits of experience that have taught me many things that have been useful

That’s what makes it interesting ,is that members are at different stages,some profitable and others not and folk who are total newbies .

here you go == you know the answer to your questions
that is exactly why we are here

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Ok so explain to us what you actually expect from a free forum that’s kind of like a tiny version of Reddit/Twitter.